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The low down on yoga classes

What is yoga?

For most people, when they hear the term yoga they think of super flexible people in fancy yoga studios doing all those impressive moves that spring to mind.


But did you know yoga is actually so much more than just asana (physical postures)?


Yoga came into being many thousands of years ago in ancient India and was found to be first mentioned in the Vedas. There are actually eight limbs to yoga:


  1. Yama (attitudes toward our environment & others)

  2. Niyama (attitudes toward ourselves)

  3. Asana (physical postures)

  4. Pranayama (restraint or expansion of the breath)

  5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses)

  6. Dharana (concentration)

  7. Dhyana (meditation)

  8. Samadhi (complete integration)


Yoga is so much more than just a physical class - it can be a lifestyle, if you choose it to be - I hope you'll join me to explore this fascinating practice.

I'm pregnant, what classes are suitable for me?

It's really important to maintain a physical exercise practice whilst pregnant (not to mention the importance of rest, relaxation and time for you).


Yoga can be a wonderful way to incorporate this into your pregnancy journey.


I have been specifically trained to support those going through pregnancy so you can be sure that any of my pregnancy classes will be safe for you (and baby), will feel amazing for your body and help relax your mind.


Please join any of my pregnancy yoga classes (suitable from 12 weeks all the way up to birth).

I've had a baby but want my own practice, what classes are suitable for me?

We must never underestimate the work, the stress and the strain that our bodies go through during pregnancy and birth.


It is important to rest and enjoy those early weeks with your baby, but after 6-8 weeks (vaginal birth) and 12 weeks (caesarean birth) and once your lochia has stopped (and of course when you're feeling ready for it), you can certainly join a gentle yoga class.


You're going to want a gentle class that focuses on rebuilding your core strength in a way that is safe for you (for example without aggravating diastasis recti).


If this sounds like you, my postnatal classes are going to be the right fit for you.

I want to incorporate baby into my practice - is that possible?

Erm, yes! Babies benefit from yoga just as much as parents do. Not to mention one of the most important learning curves in parenthood is learning to practice self-care so you're better able to meet your child's needs.


Mum & baby yoga classes are a fantastic way to reconnect with your own body, connect with your baby and (this is a biggie) connect with other parents so you can build your own village of support.


The classes are super informal so if you need to stop to feed baby, or baby is just feeling a little grizzly, then that's ok! There's never any judgement at these classes - come as you are - you will always be welcome.


These clases are suitable from 6 - 8 weeks (vaginal birth) and 12 weeks (caesarean birth) and once your lochia has stopped.

How long do classes run for?

Pregnancy, postnatal and mum & baby classes run from 60 minutes up to 75 minutes in length.


Class bookings run for either 6 or 8 week blocks - this is so you gain the maximum impact from the classes (and on an honest note, it means I have consistent income to cover costs for venue hire etc). If you miss a class due to sickness, then you will be able to roll it over so you can attend another week (subject to spaces in the class).


You can join classes at any time but you will be signing up for 6 or 8 weeks of classes - this is for your and your baby's benefit - I know you will love them too!


If you enjoy your initial block, then you're more than welcome to continue for another block of classes - it doesn't all have to be over if you're enjoying your yoga journey.

What levels do you cater for?

Whether you're a first timer, a beginner or you've practiced yoga before, you will benefit from the classes. All my classes are designed so they can be adapted according to your level of comfort.


I will be guiding you but you will be in the driving seat for your yoga journey - you are the only one who can determine what feels good for your body in class that day.


If you find you're suffering from any particular discomfort/health condition at the start or during your yoga journey, please let me know so we can work together to provide the most comfortable and beneficial practice for you.



Ready to book?

I offer yoga classes suitable for every life stage under my yoga business, Casa Lunar.

The links below will take you to my other website where you can book your space.

I look forward to practising with you soon.


Pregnancy Relaxation Hour

Price: £10

Venue: To be confirmed

Dates: Spring 2022

Life always seems to move at 100 miles an hour... Even when you're pregnant.


This workshop is the perfect way to make sure you get a dedicated hour of relaxation - you most definitely deserve this.


You'll have time to think about your own barriers to relaxation and how to overcome these, we'll cover benefits of relaxation in pregnancy, you'll get to practise breathing for calmness, relaxation and mindfulness, and learn some easy ways to move your body to support relaxation.



Maternity Meditation Class

Pregnancy Yoga Classes (6 weeks)

Price: £48

Venue: To be confirmed

Dates: Spring 2022

There is always so much going on in pregnancy, it can be hard to make time for you.


These classes are the perfect way to relax your mind, gently move your body and connect with your growing baby.


Classes focus on building a connection with your baby and alleviating the aches and pains associated with pregnancy.


You can attend from 12 weeks of pregnancy all the way through to giving birth and the classes are suitable for all levels.


Babies and Yoga

Mum & Baby Yoga Classes (6 weeks)

Price: £48

Venue: To be confirmed

Dates: Spring 2022


​Mum & baby yoga classes are a fantastic way to reconnect with your own body, connect with your baby and (this is a biggie) connect with other parents so you can build your own village of support.


The classes are super informal so if you need to stop to feed baby, or baby is just feeling a little grizzly, then that's ok! There's never any judgement at these classes.


These classes are perfect for babies from 8 weeks old through to when baby is crawling (approx 10-11 months). Mums you should be 6-8 weeks (after vaginal birth) /12 weeks (after caesarean birth) and your lochia must have stopped.

Exercising with Baby

Mum & Baby Yoga Classes (6 weeks)

Price: £45

Venue: The Yoga Village

Dates: Spring 2022

Social and supportive, postnatal yoga with babies is for all mums from eight weeks onwards.  


You can join the postnatal yoga class a few months after birth or whenever you feel ready after that. Many mums continue to come until their babies are crawling.  


In this class we teach restorative yoga specifically applied to postnatal recovery. The practices help you recover strength and energy, ease aches, and release tiredness and tensions in ways that are appropriate for women during the first half year+ after birth. Baby is always part of the class and involved through rhymes, moves, and ‘baby yoga’; there is lots of eye contact, physical contact and connecting with baby.


If you are new to yoga or feeling exhausted and/or unfit this is fine: you will not be alone, and all mothers are welcome regardless of fitness or flexibility or parenting style.  Babies are not in any way expected to be in a ‘routine’ and for them feeding/changing/sleeping/crying are all natural parts of the class.



Postnatal Yoga
Classes (6 weeks)

Price: £48

Venue: To be confirmed

Dates: Spring 2022

Postnatal yoga classes are the perfect way for you to have some "me" time, and reconnect with your body after birth.


These classes focus on rebuilding your core and strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. This is absolutely key to your recovery after birth.


These classes are designed for mums to attend 6-8 weeks (vaginal birth) /12 weeks (caesarean birth) and once your lochia has stopped. They are suitable all the way up to your child's first birthday (and beyond if you wish!)


Classes accommodate all levels - it is your practise... your time for self-care.






Practicing Yoga

Lunar Hatha Yoga Classes (8 weeks)

Price: £64

Venue: To be confirmed

Dates: Spring 2022


​These classes are suitable for everyone and every body, whether you've practised yoga before or not.


This is a graceful, gentle yin style of yoga which works in harmony with the lunar cycle and the female menstrual cycle.


The poses are designed to help balance hormonal fluctuations so are beneficial at every female life stage, whether you're suffering from PMS or menopausal symptoms.


Working with the energy of the lunar cycle, the classes reflect the moon's waxing and waning cycle allowing you to bring balance and harmony into your life.


There's never any judgement at these classes - come as you are - you will always be welcome.


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